Sailor Moon
Japenese Name:Tsukino Usagi
English Name: Serena Moon
Age:14 and up
Birthday: June30
Birthstone: Moonstone
Weight:Can't tell!
Blood Type:O
Astrological Sign:Cancer
Hobbies:Eating,playing vedio games and shopping
Favorite Colors:white and pink
Favorite pet:bunny
Favorite Food:Ice-cream, cake
Least Favorite Food:Carrots
Favorite Subject:Home Economics
Least Favorite Subject: English, Math
Favorite Fashion:casual wear
Strengh: Stuck her nose into other people 's buisness
Hated:Dentist,ghost,and popquizzes
Future Dream: To be a bride of Darien
Moon Prism Power,MAKE UP!
Moon Crystal Power,MAKE UP!
Moon Power! Moon Crisis,MAKE UP!
Moon Cosmic Power,MAKE UP!
Moon Eternal,MAKE UP!
Moon Crystal Healing Power
Moon Spiral Heart Attack
Moon Tiara Action
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache
Disguise Power
Sailor Moon Kick
Sailor Body Attack